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Клуб Adrián

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Hotel Jardines de Nivaria
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Club Adrian Legal Terms and Conditions

By Ticking The box, you accept the data protection policy and are hereby informed.

Club ADRIAN is the loyalty programme of ADRIAN HOTELES.

Our Registered Guests Will Enjoy exclusive advantages and offers, as well as discounts on their bookings.

RESPONSIBLE: In accordance with the provisions of the current regulations on Personal Data Protection, we inform you that your data will be incorporated into the processing system owned by Adrián Hoteles, S. L. Cif: B38751913 – Jardines de Nivaria, S.L. Cif: B38508081 – Colón Guanahani, S.L.U. Cif: B76534742 – Adrue, S.L. -Cif: B38806766) (here in after The Holderor ADRIAN HOTELES).

LEGITIMATION: The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is by your own consent for the purpose of:

  • To Manage and fulfil the advantages associated with membership in the Club, these being exclusive offers, as well as discounts on your bookings.
  • The management of sending information and ordinary communications through the contact channels provided by you.
  • The Management Of Sending Commercial Information, Promotions and / or discounts.

UPDATE / MODIFICATION:As long as you do not informus the contrary, we will understand that your data has not been modified, that you undertake to notify sofa variation and that we have your consent to use it for the aforementioned purposes.

RIGHTS: In accordance with the rights conferred by current data protection regulations, you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, limitation of processing, deletion, portability and opposition to the processing of your personal data, as well as the consent given for the processing thereof, by sending your written and signed request, attaching a photocopy of the applicant’s ID/Passport, to ADRIAN HOTELES REF. Data Protection With Address at: Calle Paris s/n – Playa de Fañabé – 38660 – Adeje or email dpd@adrianhoteles.es. Any person has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether ornot ADRIAN HOTELES is processing personal data concerning them. Thepersonsconcernedhavetherighttoaccesstheir personal data, to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, torequestitsdeletionwhen, among other reasons, the data is no longernecessaryforthepurposesforwhichitwascollected. In certain circumstances and for reason related to their particular situation, the interested parties may request the limitation or opposition of the processing their data, in which case ADRIAN HOTELES will only keep them, for compelling legitimate reasons, compliance with any current regulations imposed by the administration, or the exercise or defence of possible claims.

PROCESSING OF DATA BY THIRD PARTIES: For Organisational, operational, necessity, etc. reasons, ADRIAN HOTELES may hire third parties to process the data. ADRIAN HOTELES may hire the services consultants, professional or similar, to carry out the processing of personal data on behalf of ADRIAN HOTELES. This processing on behalf of third parties is Regulated in a written contractor in some other form that allows accreditation its conclusion and content, expressly specifying that the data processor,will process the data in accordance with the instruction of ADRIAN HOTELES, that will not apply or use them for purposes other than those stated in said contract, nur communicate them, not even for storage, to their persons. The natural person who has access to the personal data in his or her capacity as an employee within the employment relationship with ADRIAN HOTELES shall not be considered to be in charge of the processing. Said processing or access may in no case be understood as an assignment, transmission or transfer of Personal Data.

RECIPIENTS OF PERSONAL DATA: There will be no assignment, transmission or transfer of personal data, except for legal obligation, or by requirement of the Public Administration, the Ombudsman, the Public Prosecutor’s Office or the Judges or Courts or the Court of Auditor for the autonomous institutions with similar functions to the Ombudsman or the Court of Auditors and carried out within the scope of the functions expressly attributed to them by law. Should There be an assignment, transmission or transfer of personal data outside the cases provided for, the holder of the personal data shall be informed beforehand, giving his or her consent where appropriate.

DATA PROTECTION DELEGATE: ADRIAN HOTELES has appointed a Data Protection Delegate, who can be contacted in writing to ADRIAN HOTELES REF: Data Protection Delegate with address at Calle Paris s/n – Playa de Fañabé – 38660 – Adeje orby email todpd@adrianhoteles.es.

SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY: The holder of the personal data may exercise the claim that he/she deems appropriate or if he/she understands that the necessary information has not been correctly provided, by contacting the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) with address at Calle Jorge Juan,6 – 28001 Madrid or on the website https://www.agpd.es. If you have any queries or concerns about how we use personal information, you can send an email to dpd@adrianhoteles.es. Additional Detailed Information On Data Protection can be found on our website: http://adrianhoteles.avisolegal.info/.